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Quest:Terror Below

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Terror Below
Level 150
Type Small Fellowship
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Dil-irmíz
Start Region Dil-irmíz
Map Ref [119.7S, 143.2W]
Ends with Bôgalekh
Ends at Jadambor
End Region Dil-irmíz
Map Ref [121.4S, 143.6W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Dil-irmíz, the Berths
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

You encountered a watcher tentacle in the area and were able to defeat it. Bôgalekh in Jadambor would want to hear more about this as it may be an emerging threat.


You encountered a watcher tentacle in the area, Bôgalekh in Jadambor would want to hear more about this.

Objective 1

  • You defeated a watcher tentacle

You have defeated a watcher tentacle in Dil-irmíz. Bôgalekh in Jadambor would surely like to hear about this.

Inform Bôgalekh in Jadambor of the monster you encountered

Objective 2

Speak with Bôgalekh in Jadambor in Dil-irmíz.

Bôgalekh: '<class>, I thank you for bringing this news to me.
'We have had reports from our scouts of sightings related to gatherings of men who claim to be followers of the beast Umshûra that have begun to call themselves the Hakâri. I fear your encounter may be entwined with them.
'We may need to delve deeper into this matter and shed light on this group's activities before it is too late.'